
Change Google calendar to which events are added

If you want booking notifications to be sent to a google calendar that is different from the one you have signed up with, you can do so within your Google Calendar Settings.

In this example, Alex Wright wants his booking notifications to be sent to his teammate Meredith Finn's Google calendar.

To change the Google calendar to Meredith's, he follows these steps:

  1. In Settings & Team, click on Google Calendar & Meet
  2. Click on Disconnect.
  3. A notification will pop up, Click on Ok.

4. Enter the the email address and password for the new Google calendar that you want to switch to. In this example, Meredith's Google account information is entered.

5. Click on Allow to grant CozyCal access to connect with your Google account.

6. Click on Sync and then Save Changes.


7. Now you will see that Alex's booking notifications will all be sent to Meredith's google calendar.


If you want to forward notifications received from Alex's booking page to Meredith's gmail inbox, you can read this article for more information