
Edit booking page or event type URL

Edit booking page URL

  1. On your booking page, click on the Page Settings button.
  2. Click on Change URL, and enter a new slug for the URL. If there are no URL duplicates in the system, the new URL will be successfully changed.
  3. Don't forget to click on Save Changes.

Edit folder URL

  1. On your booking page, click on the folder that you want to edit.
  2. Click on Folder Settings .
  3. Under Sharable Link, enter a new slug for the URL. If there are no URL duplicates in the system, the new URL will be successfully changed.
  4. Don't forget to click on Save Changes.

Edit event type URL

  1. On your booking page, click on the event type that you want to edit.
  2. Click on Event type settings .
  3. Under Sharable Link, enter a new slug for the URL. If there are no URL duplicates in the system, the new URL will be successfully changed.
  4. Don't forget to click on Save Changes.