Google Analytics Integration

Google Analytics Integration

Enable Google Analytics integration to track user sessions from your website to your CozyCal booking page.

Initial Setup

You’ll need to add CozyCal’s domain to Google Analytics in order to receive data from your booking page.

Login to Google Analytics, and go to:


Click on Configure your domains:


Add as below and then Save.


Next, copy your Google Measurement ID. You can find it in Admin → Data Streams (pick one) → Web data stream.


In CozyCal, go to Settings → Google Analytics, paste in your Google Measurement ID and Save.


Checking that it works

A quick reminder: when you are testing Google analytics integration, please make sure that any Ad Blocker installed in your browser is turned off.

On your Google Analytics dashboard now, you will be able to see real-time data tracking guest behavior and booking sessions from your CozyCal booking page.


Google Analytics Events

The following analytics events will be sent:

  • page_view events will be sent as guests navigate your booking page
    • page_path data will also be included in these events
  • the cozycal_event_scheduled event will be sent when a booking is made

Universal Analytics Setup

Universal analytics will be deprecated on July 1, 2023. Be sure to migrate to Google Analytics 4 before then to continue receiving events.
Cross domain tracking for Universal Analytics