How come available dates are not showing up on my calendar?

There could be different reasons:

1st Reason:

Make sure the booking window start and end time in your setting is set correctly.

To do that,

  1. On your booking page, click on the event type that you want to edit
  2. Click on "Availability Settings"
  3. Under Scheduling, click on the scheduling settings.
  4. Check your setting for "Booking window start time" and "Booking window end time" Make sure you set it correctly to allow your date to show up.

For example, if you set the "Booking window start time" to be 1 hour, then your clients will be able to schedule events with you 1 hour from now.

If you set the "Booking window end time" to be 30 days, then the last available time slot your clients will be able to schedule events with you is 30 days from now.


2nd Reason:

Make sure your regular hours are set correctly.

  1. Click on "Availability Settings".
  2. Under My Availability, click on "Regulars hours" box.
  3. If you have already set up your availability, click on "Regular hours".
  4. Check to see if you have selected the right days for your hourly schedule.

For example, if you want make your schedule available during the weekend, make sure Saturday and Sunday are selected.


3rd Reason:

Check your blocked time to make sure that there is no conflict between your available dates and the blocked time period.

4th Reason:

Make sure your Google calendar is not set as busy all day.

  1. Go to your Google calendar, and make sure the date that you want to select is shown as available on your Google calendar.
  2. If it's shown as "Busy" for "All day", unselect them to free up your availability.

3. After making sure your Google calendar's setting is correct, go back to CozyCal's "Edit Availabilities" to select date and time.