
Reschedule or cancel events as the host

Right now, we don't support event rescheduling by guests. But it is on our feature roadmap.

If you'd like to be notified when this feature is ready, please click here to cast your upvote for this feature and we will keep you posted.

Rescheduling an event (applies to paid events as well)

As the host, you can reschedule booked events. What you will need to do is:

  1. On your calendar, click on the event that you want to reschedule.
  2. Click on the cog icon, select Reschedule Event
  3. Select a new date and time, then click on Reschedule Event
  4. You have either choose to Reschedule and Email Guests or Reschedule without Emailing. You can customize the rescheduling email based on your needs.
Please note that if the guest has added the originally scheduled event to their calendar, it won't be automatically updated when the event is rescheduled from their calendar. So please make sure to remind your guests to manually remove the original event from their calendar.

Cancelling an event

  1. On your calendar, click on the event that you want to cancel.
  2. Click on the cog icon, select Cancel Event
  3. You have either choose to Cancel Cancel and Email Guests or Cancel without Emailing. You can customize the cancellation email based on your needs.
Please note that if the guest has added the scheduled event to their calendar, it won't be automatically removed from their calendar if the event is cancelled. So please make sure to remind your guests to manually remove the cancelled event from their calendar.