
Set up automatic SMS reminder

You can now send SMS messages to remind guests of scheduled meetings.

At the moment, only USA 🇺🇸 and Canadian 🇨🇦 phone numbers are supported. If you'd like to see support for other countries, send us a message via the Get Help button within your account.

To set it up, on your booking page simply click on the event type you want to edit > Guest Notifications > Reminder SMS > Add a reminder > select the time when you want the SMS to be sent


Since guest's phone number is needed for SMS, you will be asked to accept a phone number field being added to your intake form.


Just click on Ok, and the phone number field will automatically show up on your intake form.

We recommend you to make the added Phone number field a required question, meaning a guest must fill out the it to schedule an appointment.

You can do so by clicking on Edit intake form, choose the Phone number field, check the box next to Question is required. You will notice that next to a required question, there is a red asterisk.
